
Soulmates Gameplay

Soul meets soul when eyes meet eyes in this toothache-cute puzzle game!

These unsuspecting folks are about to miss their chance to meet their soulmates! We better fix that. Get the two people to meet eyes by opening beautiful flowers for them to turn towards, or moving boxes in their paths. If you don’t interfere, they will go about their busy lives and never meet.

Soulmates Features

  • Toothache-inducing graphics and effects
  • 9 short and sweet puzzles
  • Fun a cappella sound effects
  • Inclusive character design
  • Love and fun

History of Soulmates

Soulmates was originally created for the Ludum Dare game jam competition. It did well, earning 21st out of thousands of entries. After that the game languished forgotten until a game jam play party the next year. The party coincided with Valentines day, and so fate decreed the game be released for free to spread indie love across the land.

Not currently available for download.

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