

Bounder Games
Based in Dundee,

Release Date:

Feb 11, 2015


Google Play Store (currently offline, sorry!)



Regular Price:



Soul meets soul when eyes meet eyes in this toothache-cute puzzle game!

These unsuspecting folks are about to miss their chance to meet their soulmates! We better fix that. Get the two people to meet eyes by opening beautiful flowers for them to turn towards, or moving boxes in their paths. If you don’t interfere, they will go about their busy lives and never meet.


Soulmates was originally created for the Ludum Dare game jam competition. It did well, earning 21st out of thousands of entries. After that the game languished forgotten until a game jam play party the next year. The party coincided with Valentines day, and so fate decreed the game be released for free to spread indie love across the land.


  • Toothache-inducingly cute graphics and effects
  • 9 short and sweet puzzles
  • Fun a cappella sound effects
  • Inclusive character design
  • Love and fun


download files as .zip (2.46 MB)


download file as .zip (53.3 KB)

Awards & Recognition

  • 21st Overall Competition out of 2538 submissions

    - Ludum Dare 30, August, 2014

About Bounder Games

Bounder Games is a husband and wife micro game development team based in Dundee, Scotland. We make vibrant, tactile games with strong characters and narrative.

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Game Credits

Sarah Herzog
Producer & Programmer - Bounder Games

Roy Stevens
Game Design, Writing, & Art - Bounder Games

Levie Drysdale
Audio & Art - Repeat Collaborator